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Brand Audits

Gain a fundamental understanding of where your brand stands in its current state.

Your brand says a lot about who you are

Brand audits can help find out where your brand currently stands. Has it shifted since inception and if so does it still represent the core ethos of the company, the positioning, the culture and the brand values?

Are the brand communications speaking in the same language and with a consistent tone at all touch points? Is the proposition still relevant and engaging with the market?

Are you what you think you are? The brand audit gives you a chance to step back and benchmark against all the criteria that matter.

Could things be done better, both internally and externally? Could a brand audit help improve the situation and close gaps?

What’s in a brand audit?

The exercise should address tough questions that affect the company performance and ROI, like:

  • Are we losing business to competitors with stronger brands?
  • How many prospects don’t understand the benefits of our offer?
  • Are our marketing communications consistent across both online and offline channels.
  • Are our USP’s still motivating to our customers?
  • Are we still innovative and agile?

The audit is a valuable exercise that will identify the strength and weakness of your brand and any opportunities that might help drive future brand strategy.